The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation

Haset Sali

"Without a copy of the Quran (Koran) I was at a serious disadvantage as a…

Haset Sali


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Introducing the simple truth about Islam... "The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation" "There…


Islam "There is a tremendous need globally for more thinking people to realise the essence…






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Might there be just one God?

isitjustme1 | 23rd May 2008 12:00 AM

Is it just me or does everyone suspect there might be just one God?

I'm Catholic and I love God very much. I don't subscribe to every thing the Catholic Church has to say – but I've got my reasons for staying in the fold.

Those reasons are between God and me.

I don't know if it's considered blasphemous, but I think I've believed in one God all my life; same mountain, different path to the top. Something like that.

It's only recently when Australians became nervous about Islam that I have tried to make sense of that thought.

Put simply, I suppose I just don't think God is as interested in rules and divisions as man appears to be.

Religion has been a brutal tyrant in His name, and I consider that the worst sin of all.

Muslim extremists are completely out of step with God and the Quran, in the same way IRA bombers are out of step with God and Catholicism, and the Oklahoma bombers were out of step with God and the Pentecostal churches.

There is a new movement called One World One God, I don't know much about it and I don't have any faith that we'll all eventually sort out our differences, but I like to think someone is trying.

I'm baring my little Christian soul for a reason by the way. A friend of mine has just been appointed the interim head of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.

Haset Sali is his name and he's one in a million.

I'm sure he'd hate me to tell you, but I first got to know Haset through his generosity. Every now and then on the air at Mix FM we tell the story of someone doing it tough. Haset is often the first person to donate.

He's also one of the best known blokes I know, in business, in Alex, at the gym, in politics, even in Shepparton, Victoria, where I used to live, everybody knows Haset.

To be honest, I hope he becomes even more famous. As the author of a new book, "The Holy Quran Simply: A Simple English Translation" and as a high-profile moderate Muslim leader.

I've always respected Muslims. Equally, I've had doubts and fears about what sort of messages might be hidden in the Quran.

In everything, however, I believe what unites us as humans is a lot more significant than what divides us, so in honour of Haset's appointment, I thought I'd investigate the obvious similarities between mainstream, warring, religions.

A very small step on the road to peace.

Did you know "Allah" is the Aramaic word Jesus used when praying to God? In Hebrew the word is "Eloh", meaning the same thing, God.

One Islamic website claims the prophet Moses revealed the Torah, the prophet Jesus revealed the gospel and the prophet Mohammed revealed the Quran.

All three prophets appear in all three books. Even the scarves worn by Muslim women are worn in respect of Mary, mother of Jesus.

Then, there's Lent and Ramadan, the fact Islam has a Lord's Prayer, and even the Ten Commandments can be found in the Quran.

In fact, large tracts of the Quran can be found almost word for word in the Bible. I'm not sure about the Torah, but I'm willing to make a bet. I don't know exactly when the wires got crossed, but I believe with all my heart that at some point we all agreed.

Above all else, and regardless of any horror perpetrated by their followers, all three faiths preach peace.

Obviously, this issue is a lot more important than I could ever give it credit. I'm just very proud of Haset and look forward to leaders like him bridging the gap.

And, on that note, I'm going to leave you with my favourite Haset quote.

He said, "God does not belong to us, nor the Christians, nor does God belong to the Jews. It is we who belong to God."

God speed my friend.