The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation

Divine Messengers

Divine Messengers including Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad [Peace be upon them]. Each Divine Messenger was inspired to deliver an important Message for mankind. The Messages focus on the need to read, learn and think about God's Will [God's Way]: To love all life and treat it is as sacred, and pursue peace, understanding and freedom while striving to avoid evil.

Adam and Eve represent the creation of human life and the difference between us and angels. Angels act only on God's command; people have a soul and free will. The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our soul's destiny.

Noah's Ark highlighted how we swim when we follow God's Message or sink if we succumb to the beckoning of Satan [Iblis].

Abraham realised how sacred life is when he offered his son Ishmael as a sacrifice to God at Mecca. Because of this, at Haj [or Pilgrimage] time all believers in One God either turn to Mecca or travel there to give thanks to God, not only for human life but for all life on Earth.

Moses highlighted how sacred freedom is when he and the Children of Israel were spared from the evil Pharaoh who was drowned in the Red Sea while seeking to kill them. With their freedom came God's Ten Commandments. Mankind cannot have freedom without obligations or responsibilities to God, to themselves and to others.

Jesus [who Muslims believe was taken up to God who was also recognized as the Word Of God] remains the living example of how important it is for us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Jesus is also a great example of how important our worthy conduct is if we seek to proceed to Heaven in the Hereafter and join him and the other Divine Messengers. Jesus is also famous for miracles. He even healed ten lepers yet only one came back to thank him.

Finally, Muhammad highlights how important peace, honesty, civility, sanity, charity and Love are in our community and on a global basis. Anger, aggression and evil conduct generate fear, insecurity and terror itself. This is why Muhammad even left Mecca to avoid a plot to kill him and went to Medina where he was welcomed and supported. He and his new Medina friends successfully defended several violent attacks aimed at killing him. Ultimately, by Muhammad's mediation and consultation, not one ounce of blood was shed on his peaceful re-entry to Mecca. He freed resident believers from fear and repression. He also established freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Idols were removed from the Ka'ba [the House of God built by Abraham and Ishmael]. Being humble, caring and compassionate like all previous Divine Messengers, he did not stay around and gloat; he simply returned to Medina where he lived in peace for the rest of his Earthly life.

All of God's Divine Messengers highlighted that no one person or nation has the Moral Authority on Earth to manipulate mankind in the name of God. The Moral Authority rests only with Almighty God. The Moral Responsibility [or obligation] to pursue peace with understanding, forgiveness, inspirational conduct and, above all, love, not only for mankind but for all life on Earth, rests upon each individual.