The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation



The Holy Quran Simply
In Simple English
by Haset Sali

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The Holy Quran Simply

In Simple English

Haset Sali

Introducing the Simple Truth About Islam. The Holy Quran (Koran) is a divine message for all Mankind. Its message is neither 'Eastern or Western'. It extends beyond national borders, culture, rich or poor, race, gender or creed. 'Islam' the religion, means 'peace'. In this informative and unique book, better understanding and education about Islam is the key. The Holy Quran encourages us with key words 'read, learn & think' in its many chapters and verses. 'The Holy Quran Simply' includes all 114 Chapters (Sura) of the Quran in a translation using simple English, easy-to-read verses in 2-column format, and brief introductions explaining each chapter. This book highlights the link between the Three One-God Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Brief stories about Divine Messengers common to the 3 One-God Religions are also included (Adam, Noah, David, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad). This book explains 'important features' about the history and the religion of Islam, and it defines what 'True Religion' in Islam is. Finally, 'The Holy Quran Simply' explains to us the Message and Essence of Islam is faith in Almighty God and that All Life is Sacred along with Earth's precious and fragile environment our source of life. This positive book focuses on happiness and is a call to all humanity and people of the Three One-God Religions to live and work together in peace and harmony to create an Oasis on Earth, by trusting and pursuing faith in God, love, sincerity, civility and charity, tolerance and forgiveness. The path to personal happiness in the Holy Quran is achieved through inspirational conduct. The full version book includes multimedia interviews.


Haset Sali

Original Publication Date
Dec 24, 2015

Print Length
862 pages

Religion/ Islam/ General

iBooks Genre

Interest Age
13 years and up

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Requirements: "Apple iBooks for iPad, iPhone or Mac"

To view this book, you must have an iPad with iBooks 2 or later and iOS 5 or later, or an iPhone with iOS 8.4 or later, or a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later.



Additional Learning & Education about Islam