The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation


"Without a copy of the Quran (Koran) I was at a serious disadvantage as a child and when I was at High School I didn't have a text that I could readily go to and say, 'This is what my religion is about'. All along I kept thinking, somebody needs to do something about this. I just felt it was an unmet need not only for Muslims but also from Non-Muslims because the thing I keep highlighting and emphasising all the time is the link between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is so powerful. Muhammad didn't come to replace all the other Messengers, he came along to endorse what they had said and to add some other points." Haset Sali

The Writer of "The Holy Quran Simply" is Haset Sali, an Australian Muslim of Albanian heritage who is a strong advocate for 'peace' not only in Islam, but 'peace' between the Three One-God Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam. He is a former Interim President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) and a Corporate Lawyer who has helped steer some of Australia's most recognizable company brands including SFC 'canned fruit' and Bundaberg 'soft drinks'.

He wrote "The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation" over a 20-year journey to help foster better education and awareness about Islam for people of all ages.

Haset has featured in the news within Australia numerous times to provide commentary and insight into the religion of Islam, and has been interviewed locally and nationally in print, television and radio including The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sunshine Coast Daily, and the ABC Lateline and ABC 90.3 FM (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

Haset Sali


President, Inspiration Foundation

Writer-Publisher, "The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation"

Additional Learning & Education about Islam