The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation

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Introducing the simple truth about Islam...

"The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation"

"There is a tremendous need globally for more thinking people to realise the essence of Islam is Love, Forgiveness, Peace and Inspirational Conduct," Haset Sali, the writer of The Holy Quran Simply explains. "English speaking people are at a serious disadvantage when trying to understand God's Message in the Holy Quran; when it is traditionally written in Arabic, and it is often misrepresented by the media."

By reading 'The Holy Quran Simply' you shall gain a truthful understanding of the religion of Islam. You will be able to read God's Divine Message in the Quran in easy-to-read English.

The Book, translated by Haset Sali, has been dedicated to the English language by using simplified English text because he maintains Almighty God's Divine Message is clear when simple English is used.

With our world so regularly in crisis over religious extremism, if you ever wanted to learn about what 'True Islam' is - a religion followed by more than 1.6 billion Muslims on the face of our precious and fragile planet Earth - "The Holy Quran Simply" will help answer your questions. Who is the God of Islam Muslims pray to called, 'Allah'? Who is the man Muslims hold in deep reverence called, 'Muhammad' (may peace be upon him)?

"The Holy Quran Simply" is a peaceful, positive and highly-informative book about the religion of Islam for the 21st century. It is a translation of the Quran (in simple English) written for modern education and religious studies to foster better understanding about peaceful Islam in the developed world amongst Muslims and Non-Muslims alike.

The Holy Quran Simply (eBook) includes:

  • All 114 Chapters or Suras from the Holy Quran translated by Haset Sali over 20-years in simple English without excessive footnotes.
  • Each Chapter [Sura] of the Quran is accompanied by a brief writer's introduction that provides a short explanation about each chapter.
  • An article written by Haset Sali commenting about the World in Crisis over religious extremism.
  • A chapter "About the Writer, Haset Sali" and why he wrote the translation.
  • A foreword by Max Coulthard, Academic and Lecturer, Monash University, Australia.
  • A testimonial and article contribution, "One World, one God?" by Christian Blogger Caroline Hutchinson (with a special voice recording).
  • Additional Chapters & Sections providing information about what the religion of Islam is, including:
  • A major chapter about Islam titled, "Islam: the Big Picture", covering many, many topics about the religion including Women in Islam, Islam and Civility, Islam and Inspirational Conduct, and Islam and Eternal Life to mention a few... Read More about the background story behind the writing of 'The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation' including a detailed outline of the 'Table of Contents' of topics covered and where many modern questions about the religion of Islam have been answered in THE BOOK.
  • Chapters covering Divine Messengers: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
  • Importantly, 'The Holy Quran Simply' highlights the incredible link between the Three One-God Religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • THE BOOK includes a detailed 'Index'.
  • Acknowledgments by Haset Sali thanking colleagues, family and friends who help support him in writing THE BOOK - including special acknowledgments to previous written works by Yusuf Ali and Marmaduke Pickthall who helped inspire 'The Holy Quran Simply'.
  • Multimedia: Television and radio news interviews with the writer of 'The Holy Quran Simply', "Haset Sali".


'The Holy Quran Simply' explains to us the Message and Essence of Islam is faith in Almighty God and that All Life is Sacred along with Earth's precious and fragile environment our source of life. This positive book focuses on happiness and is a call to all humanity and people of the Three One-God Religions to live and work together in peace and harmony to create an Oasis on Earth, by trusting and pursuing faith in God, love, sincerity, civility and charity, tolerance and forgiveness. The path to personal happiness in the Holy Quran is achieved through inspirational conduct.

The Holy Quran Simply is proudly available on Apple iTunes. A free sample is available on iTunes for download, along with a full version of The Holy Quran Simply (eBook) available for purchase and download.

Additional eBook Information

Software Requirements

Requirements: "Apple iBooks for iPad, iPhone or Mac"

To view this book, you must have an iPad with iBooks 2 or later and iOS 5 or later, or an iPhone with iOS 8.4 or later, or a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later.



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