The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation


ABC Sunshine Coast 90.3 FM Radio: Haset Sali Articulates the moderate Muslim view

Interview by Annie Gaffney, 16 September 2014

We hear about and from the more radical elements of the Muslim community in Australia, but less from the everyday person. Haset Sali, former President of the Islamic council of Australia, is hoping that tolerant Australians will not persecute people of his faith indiscriminately. He talks here to Annie Gaffney about his concerns and his support for the military steps currently being taken by the Abbott government.


ABC Sunshine Coast 90.3 FM Radio: The Holy Quran Simply by Haset Sali

Interview by Annie Gaffney, 20 January 2016

It's been a labour of love for local Muslim man Haset Sali to produce a simple English version of the Islamic faith's most holy book. He tells Annie Gaffney why he's devoted 40 years of his life to it.