The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation

The Holy Quran Simply

Introducing the Simple Truth About Islam

"This book is important. Many versions of the Holy Quran have been written... Some authors or interpreters of the words of 'God' have manipulated words to create meanings for their own reasons. These could include power, accumulation of wealth and control over others. When such distortions of 'God's' word occur the results can be immense and long lasting. Divisions between people can occur, even hate, injury and death can result. But how is accuracy possible when in the end all writings are by man and therefore are their own interpretations of the meaning of God's words? Well it is a good start to read this version of the Holy Quran. It is written by a person with a kind heart. Haset has spent his life helping others and feels obligated to start healing the unnecessary rifts between the people of the world. As you will see when you read this book, God's word is to build understanding, harmony and goodwill between all people, no matter what color, race, class or creed they belong to." - Max Coulthard, Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.

"The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation written by Haset Sali"

THE BOOK, The Holy Quran, is a Divine Message for all mankind. It is for people of all colours and all races, rich or poor.

Its Message is neither 'Western' nor 'Eastern'. It goes beyond race, national or tribal culture, fashion, myth magic or other man-created theories or philosophies.

The Holy Quran (Koran) is the is about 'peace'.

In 'The Holy Quran Simply' writer, Haset Sali, details the big picture of Islam.

By reading 'The Holy Quran Simply' you shall gain a truthful understanding of the religion of Islam. You will be able to read God's Divine Message in the Quran in easy-to-read English.  The Book, translated by Haset Sali, has been dedicated to the English language by using simplified English text because he maintains Almighty God's Divine Message is clear when simple English is used.

Taking more than 20-years to articulate a simple English translation by someone for whom English is a first language, 'The Holy Quran Simply' is a completed work of love, faith, passion and devotion to Islam. 'The Holy Quran Simply' has been written to ensure it is accurate and simple to understand. The challenge of translating the Quran opened up a new vision of life for the author. His hope is that The Book will provide a new vision and a new peaceful understanding of Islam for many English speaking people around the world, regardless of their religion.

To assist easy reading, the author has avoided the use of extensive references or footnotes [in most cases] found in other translations. 

Each Chapter [Sura] of the Quran is accompanied by a brief author's commentary that provides a short explanation of each chapter. 

Religious figures and Divine Messengers, some common to Christianity and Judaism, including AdamEveNoahAbrahamMosesJesus and Muhammad feature in the Holy Quran. 'The Holy Quran Simply' includes a few pages of information about Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad at the beginning of 'The Book'.

A New Vision & Global Understanding about Islam for the Modern World

Along with providing a clear, simple and carefully-written translation of the Holy Quran in English, the writer of the "The Holy Quran Simply", 'Haset Sali' has also answers many of the questions that have led to misunderstandings about the religion of Islam throughout various bonus chapters and sections of the eBook. In 'The Holy Quran Simply', Haset Sali provides a context for understanding Islam's role in the Modern World, comprehensively touching on many, many topics.

The 'Table of Contents' of "The Holy Quran Simply" by Haset Sali

Publisher Information
Opening Words
World in Crisis
The Seven Heavens
True Religion in Islam
About the Writer
One world, One God? (Article contributed by Caroline Hutchinson, Australian Media personality)
Life is Sacred in Islam
Preface Part 1 of 3: A Word from the Writer
Preface Part 2 of 3: Islam: The Big Picture (Key features of Islam)
Part 2.0: Introduction: A Night of Inspiration
Part 2.1: Over 1.5 Billion Believers Worldwide
Part 2.2: The Quran is a Miracle from God
Part 2.3: The Holy Quran is considered by Muslims to be Pure
Part 2.4: Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Last Divine Messenger
Part 2.5: Islam is one of the Three One-God Religions
Part 2.6: Divine Messengers are common to All Three One-God Religions
Part 2.7: The Meaning of Islam is Peace
Part 2.8: Practising True Religion in Islam
Part 2.9: The Life Example of the Divine Messenger Muhammad
Part 2.10: Conclusion: The Simple Truth About Islam
The Three One-God Religions (The Jewish Torah, Christian Gospel & Holy Quran are linked and part of the same family under One God)
The Divine Messengers:
Adam and Eve
THE BOOK "The Holy Quran" English Translation with all 114 Chapters / Suras
Preface Part 3 of 3: Islam: The Big Picture (Part 2.8 "True Religion in Islam Continued")
Part 3/2.8.1: The Religion of Islam
Part 3/2.8.2: Islam is about Inspirational Conduct
Part 3/2.8.3: Islam and Civility
Part 3/2.8.4: Islam and Freedom
Part 3/2.8.5: Islam and Eternal Life
Part 3/2.8.6: All Life is Sacred in Islam
About the Inspiration Foundation
God's Reminder (A very special verse and message from God [the Most Loving, the Most Merciful] to all Mankind in the Holy Quran
The Illustrated Back Cover of "The Holy Quran Simply"

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The Holy Quran Simply is proudly available on Apple iTunes. A free sample is available on iTunes for download, along with a full version of The Holy Quran Simply (eBook) available for purchase and download.

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