The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation

Chapters / Suras

The Holy Quran Simply: a simple English translation, contains all 114 Chapters [or Suras] of the Holy Quran...


1 The Opening [AI-Fatihah]
2 The Heifer [Worship God only:AI-Baqarah]
3 Family of Imran [AI Imran]
4 Women [Nisaa]
5 The Table Spread
6 Cattle [Anam]
7 The Heights
8 War Compensation [The Spoils of War: AI-Anfal]
9 Repentance [Tauba-Repentance or Barat-Immunity]
10 Jonah [Yunus]
11 Hud
12 Joseph
13 Thunder [Ra'd]
14 Abraham
15 The Rocky Path
16 The Bee [Nahl]
17 The Children of Israel [Bani Israel]
18 The Cave [Kahf]
19 Mary [Maryam]
20 TaHa
21 The Messengers [Anbiya]
22 The Pilgrimage [Hajj]
23 The Believers [AI-Muminum]
24 Light [Nur]
25 The Criterion [Right and Wrong: AI-Furqan]
26 The Poets [As-Shu'ara]
27 The Ant [AI-Naml]
28 The Story [AI-Qasas]
29 The Spider [AI-Ankabut]
30 The Roman Empire [Rum]
31 Luqman
32 Adoration or Prostration [Sajda]
33 The Confederates [Ahzab]
34 Sheba [Saba or The City of Sheba
35 The Angels [Fatir]
36 Ya Sin
37 Those who make up the Ranks
38 Sad
39 The Categories [Zumar]
40 The Believer [Mu-Min]
41 The Explanation [Fussilat]
42 Consultation [Shura]
43 Gold Ornaments [Zukhruf]
44 Smoke [Cloud of Dust: Dukhan]
45 On Bended Knee [Jathiya]
46 Wind Curved Sand Hills [Ahqaf]
47 The Messenger [Muhammad]
48 Victory [Fath]
49 The Inner Apartments [Hujurat]
50 Qaf
51 Winnowing Winds [Sift, separate & scatter: Zariyat]
52 The Mount [Tur]
53 The Star [Najm]
54 The Moon [Qamar]
55 [God] Most Gracious [Most Loving:Ar-Rahman]
56 The Event [Day of Judgment:Waqia]
57 Iron [Hadid]
58 Pleading Woman [Mujadila]
59 Exile [Hashr]
60 Believing Fugitive Women [Refugees: Mumtahana]
61 The Ranks [Saff]
62 The Congregation [Friday Prayer: Jumah]
63 The Hypocrites [Munafiqun]
64 Mutual Loss and Gain [Tagabun]
65 Divorce [Talaq]
66 Banning [Tahrim]
67 Total Power [Mulk]
68 The Pen [AI-Qalam]
69 Reality [Haqqah]
70 Ways of Ascent to Heaven [Ma'arij]
71 Noah [Nub]
72 Jinn
73 The Enshrouded One [AI-Muzzammil]
74 The Cloaked One [Mudath-thir]
75 The Resurrection [Qiyamat]
76 Time or Man [Dhar or Insan]
77 The Winds Sent Forth [Mursalat]
78 The Great News [Naba]
79 Those Who Tear Out [Naziat]
80 He Frowned [Abasa]
81 The Overthrowing [Takwir]
82 Unveiling of the Heavens [Infitar]
83 Fraud [Tatfif]
84 Split Asunder [Inshiqaq]
85 The Signs of the Zodiac [Buruj]
86 The Morning Star [At-Tariq]
87 Most High [A'la]
88 The Overwhelming Event [Gashiya]
89 Sunrise [Fajr]
90 The City [AI-Balad]
91 The Sun [Ash-Shams]
92 The Night [AI-Lail]
93 The Glorious Morning Light [Duha]
94 Comfort in Distress [AI-Inshirah]
95 The Fig [Tin]
96 Read or Proclaim [Iqraa or AI-Alaq]
97 The Night of Inspiration [Qadr]
98 Clear Proof [Baiyina]
99 The Earthquake [AI-Zalalah]
100 Those That Run [AI-Adiyat]
101 The Awesome Hour [AI-Qariah]
102 Rivalry in Wealth [Takathur]
103 The Test of Time [Asr]
104 The Scandal Monger [AI-Humuzah]
105 The Elephant [Fil]
106 The Quraish and The Ka'ba
107 Worship Faith and True Compassion [Ma'un]
108 Heavenly Fountain [Kauthur]
109 Disbelievers [Kafirun]
110 Help From God and Victory [Nasr]
111 Father of Flame [Abu Lahab]
112 Unity [Tauhid]
113 Daybreak [Falaq]
114 Mankind [Nas]


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