The Holy Quran Simply

A simple English translation


"Let there be no compulsion in religion (Holy Quran Simply Chapter )... To you your faith, and to me mine."

During the time of the Divine Messenger, Muhammad, and his founding of the city of Medina, the Islamic State he and his fellow Muslims, and Jews and Christians (and even Pagans and non-Believers) founded was called, "Umma", which in English means "community".

In the city of the Divine Messenger, Muhammad, people of all religions, different ethnicities, and different cultures were allowed to coexist peacefully, so long as they all respected the rules of the city and the right of Muslims to practice in peace the religion of Islam (faith in Almighty God).

Perhaps today, a modern example of the openness and freedom founded in Media (Yathrib) is the UAE international city of Dubai

The example here..."UMMA" and Solutions exist in Muslim Community through education and well-integrated, happy and social Muslim communities to encourage mentorship and peaceful inspirational conduct guided by the divine principles of the Holy Quran.